Jul 2, 2015


Come check out our awesome new home at https://knowherecomics.wordpress.com/ !

Spidey wants you (to visit the new Knowhere)!

I am happy to announce that I have moved this blog to Wordpress. Having been using blogger for 5+ years (both my personal blog and this one) I'm a little sad to say I'm leaving, but at the same time, I am super excited for what is coming in the future.
While I loved the customization options here on blogger, of which Wordpress can't match (without paying for a premium account, that is) there are many reasons why I decided to make the jump.

  1. Wordpress, for the most part, is easier to work with. I'm not saying that Blogger is a hard platform to use, but Wordpress makes it much easier to make nice looking posts that, frankly are easier to get out there for people to read.
  2. Readability. Not sure if you noticed, but Blogger is sorta going the way of Myspace. It's dying, the users are leaving and the traffic ain't what she used to be. Wordpress is where all the cool kids are now, and I wish that I could be like the cool kids.
  3. My co-writer is on there. Like I mentioned a few times on here, I always wanted to have more people than myself writing for Knowhere. I always had one person in mind that I wanted for sure, and he's a wordpress user. It was just easier to jump over there and after checking out the site, it was a nice fit for me.
  4. It just looks better. I hate to throw Blogger under the bus like this, but Wordpress looks professional. Blogger looks like a relic of "The old days of the internet". With little to no effort, I can have a very slick, much nicer looking blog over there.
So, I've moved to Wordpress writing full time over there. This blog will no longer be updated and will wither and die. 
While this blog will not be updated anymore, there will be a few things going on behind the scenes here.  I'm going to keep it up for any future readers (and our 1 follower) who stumble upon this, so they know where to go now. Also, I'll be trying to set up redirects on each article so opening them will actually take you to their Wordpress counterpart. 

So, I'll see you over there, true believers!
